More Internship and Training Opportunities
OK, after digging deeply through my browser's bookmarks, I have unearthed some more opportunities for young people in the progressive world.
- Media Matters: progressive media watchdog offers internships in several areas.
- Progressive States Network: organization devoted to state-level politics, based in New York.
- Progressive Policy Institute: not as progressive as the name would have you believe, this Washington think tank is allied with the DLC.
- Mother Jones: San Francisco-based liberal magazine and institute offers journalism internships.
- Campaign for America's Future: internships are available at this think tank/activism group.
- 21st Century Democrats: this organization trains Democratic campaign workers for management level positions on campaigns, but I'm not sure it's still active.
- Center for Policy Alternatives: this Washington-based organization is also interested in state-level political transformation. The Center is under the same umbrella as the Progressive States Network. Both branches offer internships.
- Center for Progressive Leadership: this group offers trainings and fellowships for progressive youth.
- Common Cause: a Washington-based organization that focuses on accountability and government transparency. Offers internships.
- Demos: based in New York, this think tank offers policy internships.
- Drum Major Institute: also in New York, DMI has internships in social justice.
- Emily's List: this advocacy group to promote progressive female candidates. It offers trainings and internships.
- Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR): the title sums up what this organization is about. It offers media internships.
- Gloria Steinem Leadership Institute: offered by Choice USA, this program does trainings for pro-choice youth.
- Green Corps: offers environmental leadership training.
- Institute for Policy Studies: this DC think tank offers internships during the summer.
- New Democrat Network: NDN bills itself a policy and advocacy group. It offers internships in the spring for sure, and possibly in the summer.
- People for the American Way: PAW is a venerable civil liberties group, and in today's environment that means it's effectively liberal. Offers internships.
Labels: internship, politics, summer
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