Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Because It's Never Too Early...

These days, I've been casting my mind back to my days during 1st and 2nd year, and I can remember how much of a pain it was to hunt down all the cool internships that are just waiting to be applied for. So in that vein, here's a preliminary list of places to look for summer internships:

DCCC (Congressional Campaigns):

DSCC (Senate Campaigns):

DNC (Get Ready for '08):

Center For American Progress:

DLC (Centrist Democratic Politics):

Politicorps (Through the Bus Project):

The PolitiCorps Fellowship is geared toward juniors and seniors who would like a 10-week experience of politics: hands-on campaign skills training, innovative public policy intensives, and real-world applications of leadership skills and campaign savvy. PolitiCorps fellows learn new ways to think about the world, but PolitiCorps is not just a school of thought. It's a place where Fellows learn by doing, and make a real difference every day. Rolling Admissions through May 1st--if there are spots left! The application is available online. Check out our website!

So These are some starting points, but feel free to get in touch with the exec board if you have questions about applying, or if you have more specific places you want to work. We've got some contacts with the Hillary, Edwards, and Obama campaigns, as well as some congressional stuff as well. Happy Hunting!

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