Tuesday, January 16, 2007

He's Ready. Why Wait? Obama '08

Big news today in the race for the White House: Barack Obama, the first term Senator from Illinois, announced his intentions to run for president and has taken the first step in raising funds. He has filed papers to create an exploratory committee and will wait a few weeks to formally announce his candidacy. When likely democratic voters are polled, Barack Obama ranks among the top three candidates to be the party nominee. The big issue around Obama is the fact that a little more than two years ago, he was just an Illinois state senator and does not have the experience at the national level to be a legitimate candidate for president. (Keep in mind Abraham Lincoln only served one term in the House of Rep. and had no other national experience before being elected President. Granted it was a different time, but ponder that bit of information for a moment.)

His “inexperience” actually works to his advantage because he is inexperienced and yet people are serious when they talk about him. People don’t dismiss him as a potential candidate one day, there is a demand for him right now. During the ’06 campaign, the only other Democrat to attract bigger crowds at campaign rallies and fund raisers nation-wide was Bill Clinton! That is saying something!

But while others see inexperience as a problem, I see it as an opportunity. I know I am far from alone when I say that I get excited thinking about the prospect of Obama as the 44th President of the United States. That is saying something. It is rare and remarkable in politics to find someone who excites people the way Obama does. If you look at his public speaking skills and his energetic personality, it’s easy to see why so many people like him and would like to see him make a run for the White House. Obama is not even halfway through his first term as Senator, yet he has had enough time in Washington to get his feet wet. He is for all practical purposes a Washington outsider on the inside, a role that can easily play to his advantage in a political campaign. He does not carry the luggage other senators such as Kerry, Biden or even Edwards and H. Clinton carry, yet he serves as a member on the Armed Services Committee (a high profile committee particularly in today’s news) and is already a national celebrity.
Obama is special. He inspires a certain amount of idealism and passion that even few experienced politicians can muster. He’s a youthful figure that can energize the democratic base and he already has an established grass roots network that will come in handy in the primaries. Obama is ready and he has what it takes to be the future of the Democratic party.


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